Thanks to the following middle schools and organizations that participated in the collaborative inquiry data dive.
The session began with an Activating and Engaging activity called Looking Back...Looking Ahead (Lipton & Wellman, 2011) where participants shared how family involvement in schools has changed from the past to now and then their vision for future family involvement.
We Organized and Integrated the observations using the Traffic Light protocol (Lipton & Wellman, 2011) to discuss actions to stop, continue, and start.
Learning Hero. (2017, August). Parents 2017: Unleashing their power & potential. New York, NY: Learning Heroes. Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2011). Groups at work: Strategies and structures for professional learning. Charlotte, VT: MiraVia, LLC. The Department of Equity and Diversity offers a wonderful professional learning experience called the Poverty Simulation. After participating in the poverty simulation, participants engage in a data dive during the Poverty Simulation follow-up meeting to discuss action steps for supporting student success.
For the poverty simulation follow-up meeting, participants engage in a data dive by reviewing various data warehouse reports, including Assessment Details by Subgroup for TLA, MAP, and/or ACT; Attendance Dashboards for 2017 through 2014, and Behavior Dashboards for 2017 through 2014. To see specific details from each follow-up meeting, click on the name. If you have a collaborative inquiry story or are interested in learning more, please contact Margie Johnson at [email protected]. Kassie Williams, a coordinator for the MNPS Exceptional Education department, is using the collaborative inquiry process to work with coaches this semester. One session is planned for September, October, and November. The first session was held on September 20, 2017. The purpose of these sessions is to foster a culture of collaboration for supporting student success. The primary outcome for this meeting was to allow the exceptional education staff to leverage their collective expertise in addressing four focus areas:
To learn about their work and the workshop, please go to If you have a collaborative inquiry story or are interested in learning more, please contact Margie Johnson at [email protected].
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February 2018