After a brief discussion about SMART goals, draft goals were generated during this session. We are still working to finalize their goals for their deadline of October 6th.
I was honored to work with such a talented group of professionals. Keep up the wonderful work!! If you would like assistance with facilitating your team using the collaborative inquiry process, please feel free to contact Margie Johnson at [email protected].
On August 30, Goodlettsville Middle engaged in the follow-up meeting. While we ran out of time for developing theories of causation, another meeting will occur to finish up the process. These theories will then guide grade level teams' work for supporting student success. To learn more about this meeting, including the PowerPoint presentation and data sets used, go to: Goodlettsville Middle Poverty Simulation Follow-Up Meeting (
The Poverty Simulation is an outstanding professional learning experience. If you are interested in learning more about it, please contact Allison Buzard at [email protected]. How are you and/or your school using the collaborative inquiry process for making data-informed decisions? Please share stories, resources, or request support by contacting Margie Johnson at [email protected]. Two components of MNPS' Instructional Framework are positive culture and distributed leadership. Danette Warren, Whites Creek High School Freshman Academy Principal, began addressing these two areas by having her team included in the development of vision and mission statements for their academy. Using the collaborative inquiry process, Dr. Margie Johnson facilitated the one hour meeting during their academy planning time. Below are their current vision and mission statements and if you would like to read more about the process, go to Vision WCHS Freshman Academy will be a bridge to success for students on their journey through high school and beyond. Mission Our mission is to promote a welcoming, safe, caring and supportive environment to prepare our scholars to become successful and productive citizens by providing them with educational opportunities and experiences on their journey through high school. (While we did not get to draft the mission statement during the planning meeting, team members submitted drafts and a consensus was reached via online voting. This statement is the current draft. They do plan to revise it in the next meeting.) If you have a story about collaborative inquiry to share and/or would like support with the collaborative inquiry process, please contact Dr. Margie Johnson at [email protected].
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February 2018