Thank you for your participation in the Metro Nashville Public Schools Data Use Research Alliance. To ensure that our work remains timely and relevant to your needs we created a brief survey to ask for your feedback on our recent work together. The survey is anonymous and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. We would greatly appreciate it if you would provide feedback about the support activities and research studies listed below, as well as the general operation of the alliance in the survey. You can access the survey here: The survey will close on October 26th so please complete the survey before then. Below is a listing of activities and research studies that REL Appalachia has worked on with the Metro Nashville Public Schools Data Use Research Alliance on in 2016. If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact Rikesh Nana by email ([email protected]) or phone (703-824-2886). Thank you for your participation and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
If you and/or your school would like more support with collaborative inquiry, please contact Margie Johnson at [email protected].
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“Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” ~Mattie Stepanek
When having team meetings, agendas help the team to establish and maintain a clear focus, which is Component A of the IC Map for Collaborative Inquiry. The Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit has several examples of meeting agendas that you and your team may want to adopt. I am going to spotlight two today—MNPS Team Common Planning Template and Collaborative Inquiry Template. The MNPS Team Common Planning Template is provided by Leadership and Learning. This template was first used in high schools and in recent years was shared with middle school administrators. (The version shared is the middle school version.) The template provides an overview of using it, the importance of intentional planning, and an agenda outline that helps ensure certain topics are addressed. You can access this template HERE. The Collaborative Inquiry Template was created by Noelle Taylor, currently at West End Middle Prep. Combining information learned from the Got Data? Now What? workshop with Dr. Laura Lipton, she developed an agenda template for teams to review the five causal theories and test them to begin to identify root cause issues. You can access this template HERE. If you have any great resources to share about this component of collaborative inquiry or others, please feel free to email them to Margie Johnson at [email protected]. |
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February 2018