September 27, 2016
Two Rivers Leadership Team Meeting
Executive Principal Dr. Shelly Dunaway, Assistant Principal Kristin Rowan, and Numeracy Coach Robert Reynolds used the recommendations from the Sept. 20, 2016 meetings and met with the leadership team to reach consensus for their 2016-2017 SIP goals and action steps for literacy and numeracy.
Literacy Goal:
Schoolwide 45% of students will perform at proficient or advanced on the TNReady Assessment by the end of the year.
Numeracy Goal:
School wide 55% of students will perform at proficient or advanced on the TNReady Assessment by the end of the year.
Starting the meeting with What, Why, How
(Leading Groups p. 45 by Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman)
The outcome of the meeting was to model the collaborative inquiry process in creating action steps for SIP goals.
Activating and Engaging